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Monday 23 November 2020

Top 7 Benefits of Today's Online Gambling Industry

 The Online Gambling Industry has been gaining popularity and is now the most profitable industry online. Whether you are a citizen of Canada, Zimbabwe, Japan or Russia you can easily join the Online Gambling community and dabble in a variety of games including online sports betting, poker, bingo even the lottery.

The allure of online casinos is even enticing to those that have never visited a land based casino - why you may ask? Because of the benefits and ease of playing online.

Some of the benefits of playing online include:

DIVERSITY - online, you can explore various poker tables, rooms and games from the comfort of your chair. If you have never played at the craps table what a great way to gain exposure without risking a lot or being intimidated by others. It also allows individuals to try a variety of games - you can play slots, video poker machines and table games.

BONUSES - most online casinos try to entice new customers and stay competitive with their competitors by offering bonuses including free money to play

CONVENIENCE - no need to drive to a casino or dress up. You can sit in your favorite spot at home and enjoy playing for as short of a period of time or as long as you wish.

SMOKING & DRESS CODE - Online casinos have no restrictions on smoking or dress code - come as you are and enjoy

ATMOSPHERE - Put on your favorite music, have a drink or snacks at hand and play

BEGINNER FRIENDLY - New gamblers are often intimidated by land based casinos due to their size and the other patrons, however online the casino atmosphere is friendly and provides interactive tutorials, play money modes for practice and no social embarrassment caused by misunderstanding of the rules and codes of behavior.

SAFETY - No need to worry about carrying a large amount of money in your pockets when you win - it's all secure online and will be safely put in your account

Furthermore, online casinos are easy to access and provide equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Rapid Growth of Slot Machine Games in Present Scenario

Rapid Growth of Slot Machine Games in Present Scenario
With the increasing trend of playing casino games all over the world, millions of people are becoming die hard fans of slot machines. Among various casino games, slot machines are proving to be the mostly played casino games. The flashy lights and the exciting sounds of these machines attract the people in the casino towards itself. Playing on the slot machines is fun. These slot machines are present in big numbers in the casinos. Every day, millions of people try their luck on these machines with an object to win as much cash as possible. These slot machines are liked by people of every race.
These are located on the entrances and in the halls of the casinos. They are present in such a big number that hundreds of people can play on them at a given point of time. These machines have a video screen in which there are three different pay lines consisting of several icons and this machine is attached with a lever.
These machines have in-built RNG's (random number generators). The work of these generators is to produce combination from the given icons on the screen when the lever is pulled. These generators produce the combination at a speed of a hundred combination per second. When a combination including the same icons in the same row in all the pay lines is made, you win the round. With the passage of time, various changes have been made in the mechanism of these machines. Nowadays it has over a hundred pay lines while some classical slot machines had only nine.
There are several types of slot games that can be played and some of them are as follows:
• Multi pay lines: these machines have several pay lines from which the combination are formed on the screen and thus the winning chances of the people are decreased.
• Free slot machines: these machines are mainly installed keeping the beginners in the mind. There is no need to bet any amount on these machines.
• Progressive machines: these are the machines which are designed in such a way that the winning amount keeps on increasing after every winnings of the player.
• Bonus machines: these machines provide bonus on the winning of the player which increases the winning amount of the players.
So, playing on these machines is surely fun and the people will definitely get a good gaming experience. So, next time if you decide to visit any casino then you should surely play on these machines.

Monday 18 May 2020

James Dempsey Wins Pot-Limit - Event 9

James Dempsey Wins Pot-Limit - Event 9
Sitting eight hours at the final table is never easy, the Event 9, $1,500 pot-limit Hold 'em was a very strange tournament, many observers told it seemed more of a football game than a poker event, there was a lot of cheering, yelling and chanting. Mike Matusow (the mouth) was very annoyed by the noises made from the James Dempsey supporters when the English player accumulated a lot of chips. Dempsey's supporters cheers would be finally validated as the British player would go on to win an unbelievable World Series of Poker bracelet for his first time. The online poker player from Brighton, England defeated a total amount of 650 players in order to become the champion.
After Praz Bansi who won in Event 5 few days before Dempsey, was the first British player to get a bracelet in 2010 WSOP. The Brighton player became the second English winner at this 2010 WSOP winning the Event 9. J.P Kelly won the same tournament last year, making this the second year in a row this particular title heads overseas. So we can tell that in pot-limit events, British players have a lot of skills to put on the tables. Dempsey said, "It's special to win a WSOP tournament, but there's no reason why this winning should hold any edge of another tournament".
Dempsey spoke about the bracelets telling that all the tournaments are equal, "You play for money...", he said, so there are not differences between WSOP or another tournament with good prize. Poker players normally play for cash. Dumpsey said about the World Series of Poker that there is too much attention onto the WSOP bracelet. He told, "You can see people playing two or three events at the same time. It's simply stupid". Dempsey has six titles and 27 times got money from a tournament over the past five years. He earned a total amount of $197,470 for the winning in the Event 9 after he defeated Steve Chanthabouasy.

Friday 27 September 2019

Playing at Online Casinos

Playing at Online Casinos
Online casinos have become an internet breakthrough offering many people who have internet access to play their favorite games of chance from the privacy of their own homes. Although millions of people enjoy visiting tradition live public venues, there are many who find the flashing lights, sometimes smoky atmosphere, and loud noises distracting to their game play.
By being able to play in the comfort of their living rooms, this eliminates many of those public distractions and one may find it easier to concentrate on their particular strategies for the games he or she enjoys playing. Its also offer many, if not all, of the games that are played in the tradition public casino venues. With internet software and gaming graphics, these programs have been able to mimic the look of casino games and incorporate some form of a random number generator to give the game a random life like feel.
This type gaming software has been tested to the odds of real life gaming, so one can feel assured that his or her chances of winning at online casinos to be the same as when one plays at the brick and mortar casinos. A great advantage for many is that online casinos do not require any long distance travel. Traveling to your favorite public casino can sometimes be fun; however, this can very costly when one factors in the amount of gas to drive or plane tickets for air travel, along with the cost of hotel rooms and food that one will need to purchase when they go to the public casinos.
This game play requires no travel, just a simple point and click and one can be playing his or her favorite games within minutes of signing on to the casino website. Also, online casinos cut other costs one might incur while patronizing their public casino as one has his or her own refrigerator to get snacks, drinks, and one does not have to tip anyone bringing these to them. Take the time to preview a few of these casino games websites to find one that suits your needs.

Play Online Casino Games - Bringing the Fun at the Comfort of Your Own Home

Play Online Casino Games - Bringing the Fun at the Comfort of Your Own Home
Indeed, the internet has drawn casino games closer to casino game enthusiasts. In fast, the internet is bringing it to you wherever you go. If you are an enthusiast in casino gaming, you can actually enjoy your favorite casino games online and you can even enjoy it wherever you are, for as long as you have the internet connection.
If you want to play online casino games, here are a few things that might help you to increase your chances of winning even if you are playing online. Of course, there are other things that you have to take care of if you are playing online than being in your favorite casino. The fact that you will never know who you are dealing with online, you have to be extra cautious on where you put your money online. If you love to play online casino games, here are a few tips to help you enjoy the game and avoid being robbed off your hard earned money.
- Research and learn. Whether you are new to casino games, or you are new to online gaming, it is important to be informed first before diving into this moneymaking opportunity. Indeed, this can be a great opportunity to make extra income online, but you have to keep in mind too that the risks in gambling is high and for sure, you don't want to play just to lose everything, so take time to read, be informed and make your strategy before playing.
- Don't play because you are having a bad mood. Your emotions can play against you in gambling, thus make it a rule not to play when you are angry or in a bad mood. Gambling is supposed to be fun and you will find it hard to control your pace in playing if you are not playing with a clear head. One single mistake in gambling and you might regret it, thus make sure that you are not drunk or you are having a bad time at home.
- Know when to say enough. Losing is inevitable in gambling but the key to making a good win is to minimize your losses and maximize your win. If you have been losing for several games in a row, learn to know when to say stop. You do not have to exhaust all your bankroll hoping you will regain back what you have lost.
- Find the best sites to play online casino games. Of course, if you all have what it takes to tackle the challenges and risks of casino gaming but you are playing in an illegitimate site, then you may just be wasting your time and money. Keep in mind to be extra cautious in giving out information online especially when it concerns money matters, thus be sure that you are in a legitimate site and you are in a site that is also the best site where you can play online casino games.

Casino Strategy For Your Gambling Vacation

Casino Strategy For Your Gambling Vacation
So you are going to a Casino? Do you have a Casino Strategy? If not, you had better get one quick. Casinos are wonderful places to entertain yourself and your friends. They offer great food, entertainment and never, ever close. The employees are helpful and friendly and can handle almost any situation. However, without a casino strategy you can leave a lot more in the casino then you had planned on. Like all your money, your saving's account, your retirement fund and more.
To have a great time, really enjoy yourself, and want to go back again, a plan is necessary. First, realize that you want to make a killing and come home rich enough to quit your job, travel around the world, and never have to worry about money again. This is why all of us go. Second, realize that the fact is, the casinos are in business and stay in business because this does not happen. The reality is the casinos get your money and you get to have a good time. Third, to have a good time, you need to limit how much of your money the casinos get. If you do win, great! It was a fantastic vacation. If you did not win, Okay, you still had fun.
Now for the plan:
A. It is a vacation, a trip, an adventure. It has a value to you. How much money are you willing to spend for this adventure? How much money do you have to spend for this adventure?
B. After you consider the costs of the trip, the room and the meals, how much is left to gamble with. Yes, gamble. We will cover that next.
C. You take your gambling money, also known as entertainment funds, and divide it by the number of days you plan to be in the Casino. This is the maximum amount you should spend (Lose) per day. Once you reach this limit, go do something else. If you do not reach this limit because the Gods are smiling, great. When you get tired, go do something else or sleep, or dine, or see a show.
D. Leave, repeat, leave your debit card and credit cards at home, with a friend, locked in the hotel safe. Anywhere but in your pocket. Remember drinks are cheap and do affect your reasoning.
E. Decide how you are going to gamble. Do you have a favorite game or slot machine? Is there a way to practice?
If so practice. Learn all you can about the game. The odds are stacked in the casino's favor. Give yourself all the advantages you can. Do you play 21? Get a card deck and play or go online and find a free site to play. Learn, relearn and learn again the "rules" of the game. Do you play poker? Again, practice, practice, practice. Have your friends come over and play for fun. Play online at sites that allow US casino players. Just play, play, play. Use your casino strategy to go, to have fun, and come home able to go back again.

How to Play Online Casino Slots

How to Play Online Casino Slots
Playing online casino slots has become more accessible by making it easier and more exciting than playing at a real land base casino. Online and land-base slot machines both work in the same fashion and they're not so difficult to figure out, all that needs to be done is to place a bet and press the spin button or pull on the level, and hope that the reels will line up with the same pictures or redeem a special prize by displaying a particular picture.
You have an advantage, when playing online casino slots, as they have the highest payout percentages and are set according to the Las Vegas highest payout slot machines, The difference is that when in Las Vegas you would need to go into a casino and begin to look for these specific slot machines, while playing online slots you won't need to look for them because all of them carry extremely high odds, all you need to do is just familiarize yourself with the game.
Another excellent advantage when playing online casino slots is that the software is free to download you can just sign up on a play for fun account at mostly any casino so you can practice, but chances are that you will play for money as it is much more exciting to play online casino slots when earning cash. The play for fun is recommended just to practice new slot games that you never played before by give it a few free spins and then straight to thrilling exciting action of playing for cash.
You need to familiarize yourself with the payoff tables when playing online or land-base slots, as this explains to you the payouts of each combination of pictures and depending on how many coins you're gambling with determines what you can earn as well.
Both land-base and online casinos utilize a Random Number Generator (RNG) which is audit by a third-party to assure fairness to the casino games at all times which is always 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and every spin that is made is completely casual.
No need to be concern about being cheated as all these online slots machines as well as the entire casino games are fairly regulated by their software provider itself, and the same kind of algorithm than land-base slots are being used online as well. Online casino slots are not programmed to favor the house, and therefore will certainly not make any mistakes, if this was the case, high rollers would never play online and would have rather chosen to play at land-base casinos instead, but the truth of the matter is that online casino slots are actually being played more these days then land base casinos.
There is always a chance that you can win a progressive jackpot by any means if you're lucky enough, which is an increasing quantity that usually go really high in numbers, you can also hit similar or multiplier bonuses.